Quote:Perhaps you should wait for the full announcement instead of just the small leaked part that was politically motivated because he's trying to rally support from both parties. I've heard rumors about nuclear investment (which is clean energy by most standards) and rumors about construction of a few tidal power stations, updating the grid infastructure much of that can be classed as green.I don't like to wait. :) I'm an impatient person, generally. It is much more fun to speculate wildly for awhile, before things are fully revealed. Like shaking your Christmas presents (or random packages that might contain explosives). Here is another bit revealed today. Whitehouse says, "Cap and Trade is not in the lexicon anymore". <blockquote>Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are working on the Senate's version now, and it will likely include some caps on greenhouse gas emissions, incentives for alternative energy sources like nuclear power and wind and solar, incentives for oil and gas drilling, and small taxes on gas and other fuel. The bill is expected to be unveiled next month.</blockquote>My Orwellian guess is they will call it "Grow and Prosper", since it will most likely have the direct opposite effect. Much like the "Patriot Act", was as unpatriotic as legislation can be, or that the "Health Insurance Reform" bill will actually destroy private health insurance.
Even though "Cap and Trade" has been stricken from the obelisks of Washington DC, the forward thinking progressives in the midwest have a back up plan (conceived of a year ago). We already have a regional cap and trade system in place.