If you become poisoned or sick from eating a corpse, pray (alt-p). It may save you, if your god is benevolent. A unicorn horn is another great item to cure diseases, poisons etc. Oh, yes, it should be added to the "essential items" list.
Hammer of Atur
PvE/RP World of Warcraft Guild
Argent Dawn (European RP server), Alliance side
Dwarf Campaign
Awarded Custom Campaign for Warcraft III
Tommi's Diablo II information and guides
The de facto source of Diablo II game mechanics
PvE/RP World of Warcraft Guild
Argent Dawn (European RP server), Alliance side
Dwarf Campaign
Awarded Custom Campaign for Warcraft III
Tommi's Diablo II information and guides
The de facto source of Diablo II game mechanics