School spies on kids through student laptops
I finally have seen a more balanced article on this.

Quote:I think there is a big difference between software that tracks your habits when using the computer that does not belong to you and what is effectively a spy camera.
One of my points is that ALL laptops running Windows with webcams these days are already spy cameras. If the laptop user doesn't realize this, then they should learn it quick.

I am thinking that this is not necessarily a case where someone is casting a wide net for things the school district would not approve of.

Quote:(CNN article) Doug Young, a spokesman for the Lower Merion School District, said the district would only remotely access a laptop if it were reported to be lost, stolen or missing.

Young said if there were such a report, the district first would have to request access from its technology and security department and receive authorization. Then it would use the built-in security feature to take over the laptop and see whatever was in the webcam's field of vision, potentially allowing it to track down the missing computer.

Young said parents and students were not explicitly told about this built-in security feature.

To receive the laptop, the family had to sign an "acceptable-use" agreement. To take the laptop home, the family also would have to buy insurance for the computer.

In an "acceptable-use" agreement, the families are made aware of the school's ability to "monitor" the hardware, he said, but it stops short of explicitly explaining the security feature. He termed that a mistake.
okay, so back to you...

Quote:(Sir_Die_alot) Edit: I'll take that a bit further. Do we really want wings of the government, even if it's just "education", policing what goes on inside our homes? I don't. I hope they make a very serious example of whoever thought this was a bright idea and everyone who signed off on it.
Well, the hysteria that this has brought on will certainly make the local politicians sever some heads, but what should be done is to inform the parents and students better of what is expected of the laptop users, and enforced limits on who/what/why the remote webcams are used.

Keep in mind that a lot of what is reported here starts with "the suit alleges that". For instance, "the suit alleges that school officials admitted to spying", which doesn't necessarily mean they said anything of the sort. They may have just said that they have used the remote webcam (to, say, recover a missing laptop) and then the suit calls it "spying."

And maybe the "improper behavior" just means violation of the "acceptable-use" which probably precludes viewing or sending porn. Look at this:

Quote:engaging in "improper behavior" in his home and it was captured in an image via the webcam.
So "it was captured" the suit alleges. Doesn't mean that the school district captured it. Kid could have made a indecent photo of himself and posted it somewhere, maybe another kid's facebook thingie or whatever.

I think too many people are hyperventilating without knowing the facts of the case.

I have a feeling that it was probably more that he was being an ahole in a chatroom with other students and they took his picture to prevent the "it was somebody else typing" defense. I would bet that this had already gone on for some time before they did this.

So there's MY rampant speculation without knowing the facts :lol:

For what it's worth, it also appears that the laptops are issued only to those who ask for them, not to all students. And to take the laptop home, the family has to pay insurance for the computer. So, if this is an evil plan to spy on all students, it seems like a pretty weak one to me.

Tell the kids: Use the laptop in a library or in the kitchen. Keep it out of your bedroom.


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School spies on kids through student laptops - by Vandiablo - 02-22-2010, 05:26 AM

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