School spies on kids through student laptops

Quote:I am with Delc on this one: I am not at all surprised that a 'well-off' school board has the wherewithal to purchase laptops for their students. I know a young lady whose parents are springing for the private high school because the public system where they live is utterly dreadful. And she gets a laptop out of it. Beware of being born poor; there is no exit. :(
Oh, I'm not surprised, just irritated. In Maple Valley, the local school district tried to pass an eight million dollar levy to build a performing arts theater for its high school. I cast my nay vote along with the rest of those opposed to spending more and more for less and less. I support education. Until that levy came up, I would vote for anything the schools asked for without even really thinking about it -- just as a matter of principle. Since then, I've looked at school requests with a jaundiced eye and have voted against most of them. I'd gladly pay more for education, but only if it were more evenly available and of a higher quality.

Quote:The question of privacy is another one altogether. I mourn the loss if it. My children have far lower expectations of privacy than I do. However, as one of them pointed out when I remonstrated with him over the information he allows to be available: there is so much information out there that unless someone REALLY wants to look, you are safe. And if someone is that motivated, then they can find out about you regardless of what you try to keep private.
All true. In addition, except for what could be used to steal my identity or property, I frankly don't care what anyone knows about me. I have little to hide (nothing I can think of, offhand).


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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School spies on kids through student laptops - by --Pete - 02-20-2010, 12:18 AM

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