The Grim Reaperess
Hi DarkLord666,

I tried to do something like this. FaintHope is clvl 71 now. I liked the notion of the fast two-handed weapon on a melee sorceress.

She wore Hwanin's set. It looks very nice on her (fashion statements can be important, eh?) and has lovely set bonuses. She used a Blessed Aim mercenary.

I used Shiver Armour, instead of Frozen Armour.
I also gave points to Enchant, Fire Mastery and Lightning Mastery. I put one point in Static Field and one in Teleport.

She cruised just beautifully through Nightmare in 'players 8'. Telekilling monsters is incredible fun. Frankly, that was the one skill used virtually ALL the time. :D

Then she got to the Ancients.

They pounded her to a pulp.

No blocking. With her mercenary dead, she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn door.

So I have been working on an overhaul for her to face Hell mode with. She has now Meph runned until she is blue in the face, and she has a Heart Carver (ITD) and a Rhyme Shield. She looks funny, but it should do the job to get past those Ancients.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


Messages In This Thread
The Grim Reaperess - by DarkLord666 - 02-28-2003, 10:59 AM
The Grim Reaperess - by ShadowHM - 02-28-2003, 01:26 PM
The Grim Reaperess - by DarkLord666 - 02-28-2003, 01:38 PM
The Grim Reaperess - by ShadowHM - 02-28-2003, 02:24 PM
The Grim Reaperess - by WarBlade - 02-28-2003, 08:20 PM

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