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Quote:Oh, they did this already - there are two vanity pets you can buy for real-world cash (lil KT and the Pandaren Monk)

The real problem will come when they are gameplay related items, like gear.

The non-combat pets are cosmetic items. I see no problem there.

I really don't ever see them selling gear for real money. Oh, I see lots of people speculating, but that's all I've ever seen. Blizzard has come right out and said they won't sell 'gameplay-affecting' items for real money. (non-combat pets don't affect gameplay)

As far as profits, Blizzard/Vivendi are in business to make a profit. Of course the non-combat pets make them money. Why is it always evil for a company to make money? No one's forcing anyone to buy those non-combat pets. End of story. You won't lose a raid spot because you don't have one of them, after all.

I take Lord_Olf's post as pure fear-mongering/speculation/much ado about nothing, actually.

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Access to Auction House via! - by Mavfin - 02-04-2010, 10:51 PM

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