01-25-2010, 05:09 AM
Since the question is whether animals can teach and not whether animals respect their teachers, I don't see how your story applies.
Quote:I don't see others disagreeing. Jester specifically asked for links, but didn't get any.This branch of the thread started with a disagreement on Mohammad's character. If you Google {Muhammad koran "war lord" -video -movie}, you'll get hundreds of links to disagreeing opinions.
Quote:What good would going to the source do, if you are not an expert yourself? Being a layman, is there really any hope of finding something there, that the experts missed? I don't think there is such a choice.As often as not, the experts disagree on the meanings of what was written more so than on what was actually written. In that, a knowledgeable layman is usually just as capable of making up his mind as is an expert. And, also, no one is a born expert. One can become very knowledgeable in many fields with just a little bit of application and effort.
Quote:But as I said, we don't see disagreement among experts.Only if you don't look.
Quote:No, animals can learn, but they don't teach.Again, I recommend you to Google {"sign language" teach Washoe}. And, yes, there is disagreement by the experts.
Quote: . . . However, things change when the box is made of a transparant material. Now the chimps will not be fooled and open the drawer right away, without using the stick. But the children will continue to tap the box as demonstrated, even when they can clearly see there is no need for it. . .Sounds like proof that chimps bred with sheep to make humans. :P
Since the question is whether animals can teach and not whether animals respect their teachers, I don't see how your story applies.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?