Quote:No, I leave the studying of ancient texts, be it Bible, Koran or Rosetta Stone, to historians (scientists, not 'scholars'). I recommend you do the same. And may I remind you that our dispute was about the Islam being a "contrived religion based on Mohamed's desire to use his cult of personality to shape his society", and not about the sexual morale of Arabic tribes in the year 600?In your opinion how does one become anointed as historian? :D I think they study history, then write a book that may or may not be held in the esteem of other historians. Much like science however, the truth of their work usually has very little to do with their popularity. So, then in your opinion, you and I (or anyone else for that matter), should not discuss topics in which we have not invested a PhD. of effort into mastering. Pretty chilling to our ability to have discussions. My wife and I would never be able to discuss politics, as neither of us has even a BS in political science.
Mohamed's behavior is his motivation for claiming to be a prophet, and using God revelations to justify his rapes, murders, thefts, and bloody legacy. When I'm studying the history of warfare, I'll look to Sun Tzu. When I'm looking for philosophies of peace, I'll look to people who walk their talk.
From the roots of religions, people such as Lao-zi, Confucius, Mahavira, Buddha, Pythagoras, Jesus, Nanak, and Baha'u'llah have been advocates of social harmony with profound ideas. Philosophers and social transformers have expanded and refined those ideas, such as Mo-zi, Mencius, early Christians, Sufis, Francesco of Assisi, Chaucer, Erasmus, George Fox, etc. The philosophies of social harmony handed down through the ages have been adopted and adapted into principles of social justice by people like Dante, Vitoria, Crucé, Grotius, Wolff, Vattel, Penn, Rousseau, Bentham, Kant, and Emerson. Finally, methods of nonviolent action for social transformation have gone from Thoreau to Tolstoy to Gandhi to Martin Luther King to the present day.