Authenticators to be required to play WoW?

Quote:Ahh, typical response there Pete.
Whatever that means.

Quote:Firstly, Blizz has a presence in the Netherlands. So we can get them here.
Interesting. I didn't know that, it didn't show up in their corporate structure or that of Vivendi. Just for my curiosity, just what presence do they have there other than sales?

Quote:Secondly, even if they don't show, they can be fined and their assets can be confiscated in the country and at the border.
Yes. "The Netherlands can ban or limit the importation of Blizzard, or even Vivendi, products."

Quote:Thirdly, even if they hadn't got a presence here, there's a wee little problem that the Netherlands is a trading hub to and from Europe. Not only would Activision be blocked to the Dutch Market, it also can't ship through the Netherlands, creating a logistical nightmare. Not that a judge would likely go so far over an authenticator, but in other cases it's possible.
I'm relatively sure that a French company (Vivendi) can find French ports to bring in their products. After all, we're not talking about a bulk product, we're talking about game boxes. A million of them is about 1000 cubic meters, about 2% of the capacity of a modern cargo ship.

Quote:Fourthly, but I'm not sure about that, The Netherlands can, in extreme cases, go to the EU. Ask Microsoft about their experience with Neelie Kroes and you know how much that can bite.:)
Yep. But Micro$quish was guilty of unfair trading practices. This would be one EU member challenging the validity of the ToS of another European member.

Quote:Fifthly, all the above is moot, because our judges are pansies. If this goes to court and they get convicted of an economical crime, Blizz will at the worst be fined for a few pennies (relatively speaking) once. They'll gladly pay up to keep access to the (rich) Dutch consumers who buy their products. I don't think a judge can forbid the use of authenticators, but a judge can forbid that consumers have to pay for it since it unlocks a product they already paid for. So Blizz would have to give out the authenticators for free (which I expect they will do anyhow), pay a fine, and the story would end.


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Authenticators to be required to play WoW? - by --Pete - 01-14-2010, 07:00 PM

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