This man should not be allowed near nuclear weapons!
Quote:All that talk/crap about tactical nukes was just that, talk.
And all that talk mentioned in the first post is just that, talk. Sounds less threatening too.

Quote:The Taliban chose to ally themselves with AL Qaeda, in terms of providing them with a safe haven during the 90's.
That was before Al Qaeda offered help to Kuwait to drive of Iraq, is it not? How things can change.

Quote:They also chose to protect them, rather than join in the party to hunt them down and kill them.
Bad memory, or just selective?

link The Taliban offered to turn over bin Laden to a neutral country for trial if the United States would provide evidence of bin Laden's complicity in the attacks. U.S. President George W. Bush responded by saying: "We know he's guilty. Turn him over"

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This man should not be allowed near nuclear weapons! - by Zenda - 12-13-2009, 01:17 AM

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