12-04-2009, 05:45 AM
Quote:That's not a plan, that's a pipe dream.:) I'm not sure staying the course with the current dead wood is going to work either. Perhaps your idea of hastening the crash so we can rebuild is the correct choice, so long as those who are there for the rebuilding are the ones with the brains. We need to get past the daily mantra of âThere Ought To Be a Law...â As it stands today, we need to consult with about ten governmental organizations before we can legally install ten feet of bulkhead to keep a shoreline tree from falling in the water. All this crap needs to be dismantled, so government can return to it's proper role, preserving and defending freedom.
The bulk of the population through ignorance and apathy have allowed the present situation to occur. You actually expect them to somehow suddenly grow a brain and a conscience and do the right things? Pass that pipe; whatever you're smoking must be good.
Bottom line: We need to go back to the principles that made the USA different than Europe and the rest of the world. That is, a nation devoted to liberty, justice, and freedom for all. George Washington once said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,--it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearsome master."