There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet...
Quote:If the only problem were global warming, then you would be right. However, I feel that this thread has gone beyond global warming to environmental issues in general.

I'm using this to speak on beliefs I have on the issue based on the data I've seen. Even if you shut off all pollution from humanity right now we still have to worry about global warming.

There are natural cycles. The earth has been significantly hotter than it is now during it's life sustaining time in this universe. It's also been colder.

I'm not denying that humanity is speeding things up. We are, and I think that contribution is significant, but some of the issues caused by global warming are going to happen and will need to be dealt with.

And I wish I could remember the researches name so that I could dig up a link, but I've heard him speak a few times on NPR and his research is often misused to say that global warming is not a problem. That's not what he is saying. He is a firm believer that man is upping the rate, but that due to some natural, geological scale processes, things have slowed for a decade or so and will stayed slowed for another decade or so, much deal with ocean currents and such. So we are in a bit of a smaller window where our impact is being mitigated but that is not going to continue.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet... - by Kevin - 11-23-2009, 08:27 PM

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