Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Though I wish I could have torn my way through the book in two days, it ended up taking my until yesterday, a whole 10 days. I rather enjoyed the book, though I must say I did feel slightly let down for some reason. Perhaps all of the rumors that I had heard (unwillingly) had in some way caused my to not allow my self to become very consumed with the book. I remember reading Goblet of Fire. I couldn't put it down. Unfortunatley I couldn't get nearly as in to Order of the Pheonix (though this may be because of my ongoing battle to become used to waking up at 6 am every morning during my "wonderful" summer vacation).

Minor Spoils
Things I was happy with:

Most all of what Occhi was happy with

Finally learning that Trelawney's prohphecy back in Book 3 (I think) was actually the real deal. While having to trudge through the final (and perhaps too long) two chapters, I found this to be one of the more satisfying "revelations." Though, I must admit, still a little confused by all of Dumbledore's ramblings.

Rowling really making Fred and George out to be naturally intelligent and talented. It was nice to see a Weasley actually do something for once ;) .

Learning that OotP was not printed on "Old Age Forestry."

Not so happy with:

The weight of the book. Not gonna lie, I had to take breaks to allow my arms some recuperation time. I like to lay down while reading and having to prop a book of that size up for any prolonged amount of time became a slight struggle.

All the rumors. I already knew that some of the parts that had the most potential to shock AND help me get into the story where going to happen. This seemed to seriously dampen my experience. Then the fact that JK was confirming some of the rumors...

All in all, I found this book to be a very nice read with just a few set backs. It didn't quite follow the "keep getting better" trend that has been previously mentioned, but it didn't ruin the series either. I look forward for the 6th entry into the series seeing as now I am lost on how to get any kind of Harry Potter Fix. I mean, I really don't enjoy the movies at all, and you can only read through the books every so often.

One last thought, not that it matters, but I can foresee some problems when it comes time to make the 5th book into a movie. It was a little more adult themed than the others, and I just don't see the movies going in that direction. Heck, if kids thought the second movie was scary, I can't even imagine what they may think about the 5th. Though, what do I care? While they are a pleasant watch, I haven't found any of the movies to be quite what they could just yet.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - by Solostaran - 07-01-2003, 04:23 PM

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