Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:The unemployed have the largest tax break, and the unemployed who have run out of unemployment benefits have it even easier.
The unemployed have the largest tax break relative to their income. They surely don't have the largest tax break in absolute numbers - which would be what matters for total revenues. They just don't pay enough total taxes, for the obvious reason that they're really poor.

Quote:As to the rest of your post... it is a perfect statement of why we disagree. The facts are in the numbers, and if you dig around and look at the quarterly numbers for 2009 you will see what I'm talking about. The bulk of the "stimulus" bill was not stimulus, it was bail out money that was spent on social services. It was a multi-trillion dollar economic anesthetic to numb the pain for a few months or so. It will wear off.
Yes. The facts are in the numbers. On this much, we agree. Now, could you please either a) show me where they support your statement that revenue is down 60%, or b ) admit that revenue is not down 60%?

I don't even see where you've given quarterly numbers... do you have some?


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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by Jester - 09-27-2009, 06:48 PM

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