Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying

Quote:Do you think this is brainwashing?
I think it is wrong. I think those responsible for it should be taken to court and there be told by a judge to cease that type of behavior. And I think that if they ignore that injunction and do it again, they should receive some punishment for their actions. Something meaningful like community service or a fine. Of course, if they claim that the second offense was an accident, the court should let them off scott free. Oh, wait, we're now talking NJ, not Florida. Never mind! :w00t:

I see your a strong defender of the separation of state and state. I don't remember that one, must have slept through that day's class.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by --Pete - 09-26-2009, 12:32 AM

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