Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:Do you think this is brainwashing?

Video shows NJ kids singing Obama praises

Here is the video? Mmm Mmm Mmm, lovin' propa ganda. "Red and yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight". Which is a lyric from a kids song about Jesus.

And, at the end... the rewording of the Battle Hymn of the Republic is an ironic touch. Since, it was an anti-slavery song... which, now cannot be sung in schools due to its religious content.

If they had to come in and sing that song every day, then yeah, that would be brainwashing. When I first saw this tape I gave an uncontrollable facepalm, but the more I think about it the more I have to come to the conclusion that this is much ado about nothing. Would we be watching this tape and hearing all about it if the subject was Martin Luthor King Jr? What about all the other Black historical figures that they could have done a song about to learn about during black history month? No, we hear about this because it fits the talking points of the day. Those being lefty indoctrination. It's ironic, I think, that this clip has probably been played now filling more time than any of those kids or the teacher ever took putting the song together.

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by Chesspiece_face - 09-26-2009, 05:30 AM

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