Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:It is very simple, I don't want people telling my child that there is a god and that it is the god of the bible, I also don't want people to tell him there is an Allah, Buddah, God of thunder or whatever. I want him to have classes on different religions and world views of people in the world.
And what is the likelihood of anyone being able to raise a child from zero to 18 without this happening?
Quote:I will raise him to have an objective view of everything. The whole difference with having a religious upbringing is that it is not just telling 'I think there is a God etc.etc.' but that because of that the child should do all kinds of things that you think please that God.
You have a naive notion of what modern religious people believe. It really has little to do with pleasing, and more to do with redemption.
Quote:For the rest; we are not having a discussion about the existence of God here, we are discussing teaching children things.
Which I believe you as a parent should be in full control.
Quote:Faith in yourself or your parents and morality are good things......but this is something else as religion. Or do you consider atheist to have no morals?
No. Morality does not spring from faith, and many religious people are far from being moral. Morality, ethics, and good character come from a sound and stable upbringing, but fundamental to morality is a code of what is "correct" behavior and what is "incorrect" behavior. There is an overlap in that most religions also embody a code of conduct. For example, I adhere to a Buddhist code of conduct even though I'm not a practicing Buddhist.** I just value it for the wisdom embodied within it.
Quote:I don't equate their belief system as is when they push this system on children as it being the one and only truth that it becomes brainwashing.
Without learning the discernment of truths from nonsense we all would become victims of the first hustler to come along. Teach your children critical thinking.
Quote:Brainwashing is when people don't even consider a different truth and this is not only the case with these religious sects. I know many people in Italy (also my own age) that are absolutely flabbergasted to hear that there are people not believing in God. In Holland where the Christian Democrats are since 100 years the biggest political force, only because they have their base of religious followers. And I am sure in the US this is the same. The example of it being very difficult for a non christian presidential candidate to be elected is a consequence of a form of brainwashing.
Sounds like many people I know, whether it be politics or on the job. I really can't tell those who are brain washed from those that are just pig headed.
Quote:Theologians are scientist right?
theos - God, ology - the study of... So, no not a scientist since any God worth their salt is not measurable or quantifiable.
Quote:Because the clergy for sure wants to create a herd of sheep.
No, I don't agree. There are all kinds of people in the world, so there are probably some misguided ones that seek to subjugate others I guess. Clergy may picture themselves as shepherds of the flock of sheep, but that doesn't mean they desire them to be like sheep. Shepherds usually herd sheep and goats around keeping them safe, feeding them from fresh green pastures, and bringing them to clean water. They are responsible caretakers. In those ancient stories and writings it was meant metaphorically, that if you should find a person who is lost, hungry, thirsty or cold you should do something about it, just as a shepherd tends a lost sheep. But, as with all written wisdom that has been translated and mistranslated over the eons, some megalomaniac would interpret that to mean literally clergy should have a shepherds level of control over their congregation. It drives me crazy when people over interpret or misinterpret things, or when they try to read hidden meanings into things that at face value are direct and clear.

Edit: On second thought, perhaps because I choose to follow the Buddhist code of conduct that makes me a Buddhist. I don't know.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by kandrathe - 09-24-2009, 02:01 AM

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