Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:Did a person with some authority over you perform these ceremonies?
Sometimes, yes. Then again, as you might guess, I'm pretty firm when it come to my personal right to believe and live my life the way I see fit. I attribute it to time when I was 17 and I realized everything I was taught about life and religion by the adults was superficial tripe, and I had to reassemble my belief systems on sound foundations.

I've never been discriminated against because I did or did not participate in ceremonies, but then again, as I stated I don't make a fuss about them and give people the freedom to revere what they like. But, then again, no one has asked me to pledge undying love to Kaonohiokala either. But, say I had to start every meeting at work with some ceremony to the Sun god, it would be annoying and get a little tiresome. I understand that.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by kandrathe - 09-23-2009, 11:48 AM

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