Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying

Quote:It is downright amazing to me that in the US, people can seriously be put in jail for praying.
No one was put into jail at all. And they weren't even *in danger* of being put in jail for praying. They were in danger of being put in jail for forcing their ignorant superstition on those over whom they had authority. In my opinion, they should get multiple life sentences for child abuse, for violating the first amendment, for contributing to the ignorance and stupidity of the nation, for abuse of their position, and for being assholes in general.

I too can use selected quotes out of context. "But the American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawsuit led to the consent decree, has maintained students have a right to be free from administrators who foist their personal religious beliefs on them."

When are those who want to push their irrational and inane beliefs on the world going to realize that freedom *of* religion can only exist if there is also freedom *from* religion.

(Rest of rant removed.)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by --Pete - 09-21-2009, 02:51 AM

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