Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson?
@majority: Alright everybody, I get it; point taken. Fox News is not a reliable source of news.
@Jester: Well, according to the article, they are told:

Quote:"eachers are also given guidance to tell students to "build background knowledge about the president of the United States by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama."


Activities suggested for after the speech include asking students "what resonated with you from President Obama's speech? What lines/phrase do you remember?"

As someone who does not see eye-to-eye on Obama's thoughts or ideologies, I find the thought of using his speeches as learning tools to be pure propaganda. If Obama was really that interested in teaching moral lessons, they already teach history in school, so why not use that as a model? What exactly is he trying to accomplish by doing this? Can you honestly sit there and tell me reviewing his speeches and what they mean is purely a move by his administration to get kids more 'involved' in school? But hell, what does it matter anyways if @majority is right and FoxNews is lying? Then this is all a shell game done for our entertainment.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson? - by Taem - 09-03-2009, 02:43 AM

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