Seal of Command now "cleaves" 2 extra targets....
Quote:It is exaggerated -- it doesn't really qualify as a DPS talent, even in a movement-based fight.
Uhhh, it's actually a huge dps talent, specifically on a movement based fight. Every second you're not on a target is 0 dps averaged into your total. It's easy to check, do a movement bossfight with the talent, then redo it with without and parse. I believe the math says that it's around 6-8s of movement a fight that Cat's Swiftness outdoes Icewalker, and PoJ is 7% faster, freeing up the boot enchant and giving an advantage to a class that doesn't have a short term speed boost/teleport/charge.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Seal of Command now "cleaves" 2 extra targets.... - by Frag - 08-16-2009, 02:44 AM

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