Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen
Quote:However, I read somewhere (sorry don't remember anymore where) that after a series of events (ao bombing in lebanon) the unquestioned support of Israel by the US is getting smaller.
Supporting Israel is big business, and a key part of some powerful war hawks in the world to keep tensions high enough to continue selling them and their enemies the latest high tech weapon systems. I think their plan is to keep the pot on simmer, without letting it boil over. Some one has a leash on Israel to the tune of about ~3 billion or so dollars in aid sent over there every year. However, we, the people, don't have much to say or do with where or how that aid is spent.

In the US, it is nigh political suicide to be against a free flow of funds to Israel, both from greed of the entrenched oligarchy and the polity of US Jewish lobbies. My prediction is that Obama will do abysmally with this topic, since the Israeli's have already pegged him as not their friend which is probably due to the fact that Obama's past is checkered with friends and supporters who are openly hostile. There is hope in the Arab street because of Obama, but I fear it is a false hope.

The powerful manipulators in this world use the Israel/Arab conflict to create a white/black dichotomy where mostly the Arab is portrayed as the jihadist fanatic, while the Israeli's are portrayed as peace loving innocents. We, the duped, in the US look at the bombings in Tel Aviv, and are determined not to allow that to happen in Detroit, or New York. So, we build more weapons, and feel righteous is sending them over to help protect the innocents.

Meanwhile, the streets run red with the blood from both sides. The real cruelty here is that I don't believe that the people running this thing give a crap about the loss of life on either side.
Quote:Apart from the events that might happen if Israel attacks Iran (zenda's link) I think US/Israel relations will suffer greatly, so I am not sure if Israel wants to risk this.
I think it was Occhi who said that Israel's nukes are a last strike weapon, which I agree with. Israel has so many conventional options which would be just as effective against any other of her enemies in the region. With Iraq neutered militarily, only Iran and wahabi extremists remain as a threat in suppling funds, training, and arms to Israel's enemies. If you look at the map, Iran is surrounded by countries that are either occupied or some what cooperative with US interests (Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan)
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen - by kandrathe - 07-28-2009, 02:55 PM

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