05-19-2009, 07:58 PM
Quote:A Treasury Bill is a US government security with a maturity of less than one year.= "If you plan to sell your T-bill, you need to wait at least a year after having purchased it, or there won't be a noticeable profit" ?
Quote:As others have mentioned it is sold on a discounted basis from its face value (also known as par value).They are sold for less than their actual value?
Quote:Treasury Bills differ from other US Government debt instruments in that:= 1) Other forms of lending money to the government for profit takes even longer to yield any profit?
1) Their maturity is shorter
2) They don't make coupon payments
= 2) What is a coupon payment?
Quote:As with any bond, note that there is an inverse relationship between price and yield.
Would you mind explaining this?