Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni
Quote:Not really, but I'm not able to point you to resources on torture resistance techniques on the web.
You can continue to claim that what you say is possible. I can only tell you it contradicts everything I've ever read about the practice, including from military instructors who were training people to resist it. Nobody has ever suggested that you can override your drowning reflex. Almost everyone claims that this is simply impossible. Water hits your lungs, or your brain even suspects that water is going to hit your lungs, and your body simply reacts. You don't get a choice. You don't get to plan your ingenious resistance plan, thinking about martyrdom and whatnot. You can't just shut off the part of your brain telling you you're drowning. You just panic. Perhaps you even do pass out, from shock or panic. But you don't control it. They have you for as long as they need, and eventually, they'll keep you conscious. How many times could that possibly take? Three? A dozen? It only take a few moments to do.


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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by Jester - 05-19-2009, 03:55 PM

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