The mysterious case of Ms. Carrie Prejean
Quote:Not that I care a twaddle about the entertainment farce called "The Miss USA" pageant. Just as in politics, it appears that it is getting harder and harder to find one pretty girl in each state who hasn't inhaled or posed for semi-nude photos.

This is what I need to get off of my chest. What is this media obsession with trashing anything that appears to be wholesome? Was it because she answered the "marriage" question according to what she really believed? It appears that moment was at least an honest one in the whole Miss USA pageant.

My first thought was, "Whoa, did they ask every other contestant an equally controversial question?" I'm not sure I can think of 50 controversies where the populace is so equally split, except for maybe abortion. Then, also, "SHOULD we ask beauty queens politically controversial questions?" If you want them to be adored by one side, and hated by the other, then sure, but that is not the purpose of "Miss USA" as a symbol either. I wonder what the judges reaction would have been had she said, "I believe that is an unfair question to ask me, may I have one that is less politically controversial?" Of course, no one would have let it rest after that either, and the same whole mess would have erupted. It was the asking of the question that destroyed that young womans chance to win, and now results in continued attempts by some to entirely destroy her, because of her political views. She might have also lied, and given a politically correct and meaningless answer, and now she would be "Miss USA" and the darling of everyone.

Suddenly, she becomes the lightning rod of polarity between the Conservatives and the Liberals with a cavalcade of appearances on news (entertainment) shows. Now, like Sarah Palin, Carrie Prejean has become a conservative heroine, and absolutely hated by liberals and the media. Then there is this whole mess with Perez Hilton, being the celebrity judge who asked the question, who happens to also be gay, then who went on his own popular Blog to continually trash her. Hmmm, conflict of interest? Biased judge? And, the usual muckrakers, start scouring her modeling past looking for titillating photos, or just make stuff up about her to sell their scandal rags. It appears that the only way to avoid being pilloried by the press these days is to confess in advance and beg for forgiveness in a ghost written book about your life to date.

My conclusion is that it is time to END the whole pageant farce. If you want a scholarship, then be a scholar and write an essay like all the other ugly people in the world. Let's leave the entertainment industry to the slime who run it, and so, if you are not a slime ball or a crack whore, then stay away. It seems hypocritical to me to have this whole pageant industry to dangle rewards and scholarships to get pretty young girls to parade around in swimsuits, then act shocked when you find they have paraded around in less than a swim suit. And, then ultimately, they get to the final event only to be asked a leading question that results in their entire life being scrutinized and attacked by the same slime who like to watch young girls parade around in swim suits.

Why do I have this image in my mind of Bambi walking into a pack of wolves?

It's very simple, really. This is all a part of a massive propaganda campaign. First, they control what you say. Then, they control what you think. It starts with the media and the elementary schools. Propaganda is a very powerful tool and has controlled masses of people for a long time. I strongly believe that that is where this country is heading. All the signs are pointing to that. Lenin is laughing in his tomb.

As far as the pageants... who gives a rat's ass. They are irrelevant.

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The mysterious case of Ms. Carrie Prejean - by Ashock - 05-12-2009, 04:13 PM

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