Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni
Quote:Torture might sometimes have yielded some useful information. However I think that the damage done to our credibility, the increase in anti-western sentiments, the increase in the size of the stick to beat the US government with and because of this the increase in willingness of eg. farmers in the middle of Afghanistan that have never traveled to another country to get involved in terrorism, have had a much larger impact.
I really don't buy that argument. I might also make the argument that it dissuades an equal number who might not want to become involved in a struggle where there is a high likelihood of ending up in a place like Abu Garib, Gitmo, or some unknown "black" prison far from home. They might be fine with dying the martyrs death, but are they prepared to be stuck in a prison cell for the next 20 or 30 years while we argue what an "enemy combatant" might be as opposed to what a "terrorist" might be?

There may be some people who are teetering toward joining the jihad who may be influenced by the "they tortured" argument. I believe most are influenced by the "riches in heaven" argument, or the "expanding the power of the pan-Islamic revolution" reasons. Realistically, they are joining a movement who detonates explosives in crowded markets filled with Islamic women and children, and one that routinely beheads their captives on video tape. Do you really think the thought of their leader strapped to a board with their face covered with a wet cloth is going to outrage them much more than his capture and rendition?
Quote:Look at what the Russians have been doing in Chechnya for years.....I mean if your army commits such atrocities you shouldn't be surprised if you become a victim of terrorism. That is not nice, but that is how things work.
If you pile up your money in these banks, then you shouldn't be surprised if you are the victim of bank robbers. If you walk down the street unprotected, then you shouldn't be surprised when you are the victim of rape and murder. I don't accept that "you provoke me" logic either.

The modern battle field is no longer a place, it is in the will. Terrorism used by Chechen rebels, and the Russian armies use of their atrocities are both horrible attempts to attack the "will" of their opponent. Both are trying to up the ante, and to make staying in conflict untenable. The political question is whether Russia allows Chechen's to break away and become an independent state, or whether the Russians will force the Chechen's to bow to their will. If the struggle continues, the Russians will win. They are killing many more Chechen's than vice versa, so if the "Cleansing Operations" continue the result will be a Chechnya free of Chechen's.
Quote:If you are the most powerful nation in the world, the only way to go is to behave correctly....all other options will make you lose credibility and support.
See Useful Idiot and contemplate your position accordingly.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by kandrathe - 05-06-2009, 01:23 PM

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