05-05-2009, 04:46 PM
Quote:So, after an initial post-3.1 foray into arenas as 51/20/0 (no points in beacon), I swapped to retribution in frustration (had pretty solid Ret PVP gear banked and The Jawbone for a weapon).
My DK partner and I had fun for a week climbing up through 2's to around 1680, and I'm sure we would have gone higher, but...
Last night for our 2v2 I went to 32/0/39 to pair with his unholy spec, and I think we've found our home again. The matches are incredibly fun with this spec, unlike the holy/prot spec (not enough CC breaks, overly defensive spec, bad in a field of rogues and disc priests - for me anyway) or the retribution spec (fun, but matches are won or lost in the first 20 seconds - so no real strategy beyond lasting long enough to coordinate bursting someone down before lack of healing kills us).
I honestly feel like 32/0/39 + DK is more fun to play than pre-3.1 2v2 and like we have a much better shot at going 2000+. Maybe it is just a couple of months of holy/DK experience behind us from last season, but man it is fun playing a bit offensively like the spec demands.
We were beating higher rated disc/rogue teams about as often as not...perhaps more, and a lot of our losses were "oh yeah, we could beat that team, I just didn't create an opening to heal soon enough".
I think we stopped around 1750 last night after some initial losses due to, you know, being out of practice as a healer/DPS team.
Since you have had some experience in the arenas, how hard is it to get to the rating required for Relics? Crush and I have been talking about doing a 2v2 team, but we weren't sure if a ret + resto or holy + enh or ret + enh shaman could get there.
Any thoughts? Is 1250 (where the relics are) hard to obtain?
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