Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12.
Quote:Colman's main argument, which hasn't really been addressed to my satisfaction, is that the method of counting some ballots was different by precinct. Now, normally you might say so what, because statistically you'd think it wouldn't matter. But, according to Coleman's side, the method of counting or not counting ballots which were selected by the precinct election judges always favored Franken. This is grist for the equal protection clause mill. It seems that the rules by which some votes get counted or do not get counted vary according to which rules let Franken win.

If he's relying on Bush v. Gore for that, all I can say is good luck Norm.


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Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12. - by Jester - 04-09-2009, 04:09 AM

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