Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build
Quote:This only works if the encounter lasts more than four minutes but less than five
Indeed, that's why I said, "Imp. Disc has the potential to be *some* tps increase (even if it's out of your hands)." I realize I'm stretching there, but a 60 tps increase (or approximately 1% under most circumstances for *my prot warrior*) that Imp. Revenge offers doesn't exactly tickle me for 2 talent points:D

Quote:you have to use at least two global cooldowns to perform the trick (Berserker Stance, Recklessness, Defensive Stance), and while Recklessness is active, you take a whopping 20% extra damage. All this for three guaranteed crits? Remember, crits can happen without Recklessness; you're not even guaranteed a threat increase.
That depends on how you use it, this is how I do to mitigate those downsides: Beserker stance, Beserker Rage, Recklessness > Autoshot > Defensive Stance > Charge & Heroic Throw (crit) > Melee Swing (likely a crit) & Bloodrage > Melee (likely a crit), Shield Slam (crit) & Concussion Blow (crit). That combined with a TotT gives me some rather huge burst threat. In return, the initial hit from the mob tends to be the only one that's at +20%, and more often than not, I have a PW:S on me which doesn't get broken even with that up. Also, with my wonderful fully raidbuffed crit chance (including talents) of 28.3% (<_<) gives around a 2% chance to crit on everything Recklessness guarantees, that isn't the kind of chances I tend to bank on.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build - by Frag - 03-23-2009, 03:16 AM

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