Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build
Quote:I have a hard time believing that imp. disciplines is an overall threat increase over imp. revenge,
Not saying that Imp. Disc is a threat increase over Imp. Revenge, just that Imp. Revenge is a very low tps increase, and Imp. Disc has the potential to be *some* tps increase (even if it's out of your hands).

Quote:even in the best case scenario where you never need shield wall and you never get in trouble popping recklessness.
This shows you've never used Recklessness while tanking. It puts Shield Wall on cooldown for as long as the buff could last, or 15s and the +20% damage taken increase only lasts for as long as the buff up (generally 2 GCD's for me, or one swing). Only on Patchwerk25 while OT'ing have I ever regularly died in the first 15s, and I most definitely don't need a TPS increase on him. So, for the sake of argument if I did for some reason need to have an emergency button in the first 15s after popping Recklessness on a boss, I still have access to Last Stand (had to do that on Malygos, once).

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build - by Frag - 03-22-2009, 11:04 PM

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