Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build
Quote:Looking at a wws from one of my last raids,
Here are my stats from the last wws report we have. Revenge is roughly 10% of my total damage, with a average of ~1875 un-improved. Improved it would move to ~2250 or 375 more. It was used 251 times over ~57m of combat time or around 11% of my GCD's. The gain of 375 more damage per swing would be around a 544 threat increase or 59.8 tps increase. That's the math for Imp. Revenge.

So here's the problem... I said it would be a loss of tps/dps, which is incorrect now. It's a poor excuse, but I have been working a good bit with the 3.1 stuff where you take Imp. Disciplines as a warrior, and thus didn't see a way to pick up without losing that. As it is now, you take it if you're more concerned about threat than survival (can slide the points into Imp. SR or Shield Spec. based on what you're more concerned about killing you, Hatefuls or Powered Breaths), but I still don't see it as a major threat increase. You should get more out of one point in Cruelty, if it was possible to put more there, so it's simply the best place possible rather than a great talent, imo.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

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Crazy high threat & DPS tanking warrior build - by Frag - 03-22-2009, 06:11 PM

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