Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12.

Quote: When you start tuning into CNBC for ideas on how to safely take risks, then you are a fool twice over. First for thinking CNBC has your answer, and secondly for believing you will be the smart one who makes the risky safe choice. Jon Stewart mistake is the same one you appear to be making, in that entertaining TV shows offer some insight into reality.

Since you seem to be stuck on arguing that Stewart is blaming everything on Cramer \ CNBC, we'll just leave it here since there's nothing new to be said on this angle.

And no, I didn't lose any stock because I followed what Cramer\CNBC said. It's impossible, since I don't own any stock. (Though that Stark Enterprise tip sounds hot.) And contrary to your belief, I watched Cramer and the Money Honeys for the entertainment value, and I don't work on Wall Street. I got friends and relatives who worked in the financial industry, but that's about it.

Is it that strange to you that some people can watch CNBC\money programs for entertainment, without looking for stock tips or be in the industry? And I doubt I even have to explain about the Money Honeys. The Ramones even sang a song about Maria Bartiromo. Last I looked, they didn't work on Wall Street either.

I also watched 'DogFight' on the History Channel, are you going to ask me why I do if I'm not in the Air Force?

But whatever, we're in danger of becoming this cartoon.

Quote:My problem with Wall Street is that their focus is quarterly, rather than on decades. They suffer the double flaws of myopia and tunnel vision. If that is what you are saying, then I agree.

Yes, it's been one of my dislikes for quite a while. I'm not sure if we've even hit the nadir yet. In all seriousness, I hope if that comes it will happen sooner than later, because the longer it goes on the nastier it can potentially be. Gallows humour: In these kinds of times, job security seems to be a security job.

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Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12. - by Hammerskjold - 03-20-2009, 11:58 AM

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