Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12.

Quote:To continue the tangent, what shows do you watch on your TiVo?
Hmm? I've got to show you mine first, eh?

OK. No specific order:

All flavors of Law & Order
Criminal Minds
Without a Trace
Boston Legal
Good Eats
Las Vegas
Wheel of Fortune (but only the intro to check out Vana's dress:))

That's it for my season passes. I'll check the History channel about once a week and grab anything there I think I'll like. I check out the educational channels for series or classes (found a good intro to law class for paralegals and a great art history class there). Those I have to program by time and duration. I'll grab the occasional broadcast (e.g., Obama's address to the nation).

Playing around with a few news broadcasts (AC 360 is in the lead) to see if I can find somewhere that has a high news to crap ratio. Jury is still out on that one.

For the last three, four years I haven't been able to see much, so mostly I enjoy shows that are 'radio with pictures'. The more I actually have to watch, the less comfortable it has been.

Like I said, I'm a junk junky;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12. - by --Pete - 03-18-2009, 06:08 PM

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