Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12.

Quote:I haven't seen these. I'm tired of sifting through 100's of channels filled with crap to find a few pearls only to be victim to the whims of the producers scheduling and advertisers product placements.
TiVo was my downfall. Used to be, I'd turn on the TV, channel surf, find nothing interesting and be on my way. Occasionally I'd stumble onto something worthwhile, but first commercial break I'd go off and start doing something interesting. By the time I got back, the show would be over.

Then my good friend and father of my goddaughters sabotaged me one Christmas and gave me a TiVo with lifetime membership. Knowing my attitude to TV, he even installed it and initialized the account. Plus he picked a few shows to record.

Since then, my TV viewing has increased manifold. I've gained 50 unneeded pounds. My endurance is down to zero. Neurons are daily dieing at an amazing rate. My thought processes are getting less and less rational. I'm a junk addict.

In the 'misery loves company' mode, I highly recommend TiVo to all.;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Stewart Vs Cramer on Daily Show, march 12. - by --Pete - 03-18-2009, 04:35 PM

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