03-03-2009, 01:31 AM
Quote:Hence, doctors objecting to performing those medical practices should be denied their GP license. And if they take that position after having practices medicine, it should be grounds for revoking the license.With a worldwide shortage of medical personnel, are we ready to get rid of perhaps another 50% of them?
Quote:When I hire you to do a job... You can either perform your duties, or if your religion prohibits you from doing so , I can fire you, and find someone capable. I don't see a difference between that, and enlisting in the military (Except that I won't send you to jail when you refuse to do your job). Likewise, when a professional organization deems you capable of performing a job... You can either perform it properly, or lose your license. You knew what you were expected to do when you signed up/got your license/got hired by me. If you don't have the stomach, nobody pressed you into volunteering/becoming a doctor/working for me.Unless I state in advance, "I don't believe in taking lives." And, you hired me anyway.