Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently
Quote:Borean Tundra annoys me greatly -- the quests regarding DEHTA are extremely silly and it ruins verisimilitude for me. I prefer Howling Fjord by far. There's nothing wrong with the quests there. (Of course, I'm Alliance, which might factor into it.)
Actually, what ruined the DEHTA line was not the fact that it was silly, but that I couldn't side with Nesingwary's hunters (Who, upon meeting up with his expedition in Scha- Scho- Schwa- the Basin, I believe as only being only marginally connected to the Great Hunter). So here I am, strolling up to DEHTA wearing the remains of several rare dragonspawn and various noble beasts, and they accept my help while I go around skinning animals to further level leatherworking. Yeah, there was that annoying debuff, but that was easy to deal with and didn't really factor into things as I snuck around after various other players and skinning the corpses they left behind. I would have sorely loved an alternate questline that could still get me to the zone quest achievement.

On the other hand, the Murloc King questline was pure win. Tree-huggers and murlocs, two of my most-hated things in the game, combining into something seriously awesome. Scary.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently - by NiteFox - 02-28-2009, 11:03 AM

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