Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Quote:More to the point, I'm merely voicing my opinion on the few things I've seen and read about that make my mind go "humm", but I trust there are people in power who see the same things happening and won't let it get too far towards complete government control. I'm not trying to sound like an alarmist (Jester), just speaking my mind over the scenario my wife and I mentioned to one another months ago, one that I see slowly entering the realm of plausibility when before it was just, "hummm."
I heard a pretty lucid argument on the radio today that the US is actually on the road to becoming a fascist government. They covered Umberto Eco's, "Eternal Fascism" article comparing the US today against his fourteen points. Also, they discussed "Laurence W. Britt's -- Facism Anyone?" which was very anti-Bush administration.

A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Do we have an autocratic central government? I would say we are pretty close to making State governments entirely powerless. In the latest stimulus bill, the Federal government added language that told State legislators that even if the Governor of your State refuses the federal aid, the State legislators could decide. I would say that, other than their veto power, it pretty much makes Governors irrelevant to leadership. This is quite a change from the original intent of our founders. The decline in States Rights began with the Civil War and has been degenerating slowly over time as our Federal government has become stronger and stronger through the world wars, and perpetual conflicts since. Would the governor have the power to say "no" to a federal government that wants to place federal troops in your State, or declare a federal state of emergency on your storm or riot damaged cities?

Are we moving to a single party system? Yes. More and more the "Third Way" is dominating both the Democrat and Republican parties bringing about a common platform.

Dictatorial leader is still a no. Fortunately, I still have some faith that we remain a Republic with a democratic process. Although, a two party system that mostly shares a common platform does present us with few choices for our elected leadership. The party apparatus eventually will deny true representation of the peoples will.

Are we being asked to set individual needs aside for the benefit of the State, or the common good? Absolutely, which we discussed in the other thread on communitarian ideology and the tyranny of the common good. The war on terror, war on poverty, war on drugs, war on greenhouse gases and now... the failed economy. These are all social devices meant to steer our efforts and money into "feel good" causes which may not even be winnable. Is there a war on individualism, and the rights of the individual?

Is there severe economic and social regimentation? Yes, and things are getting worse in the regard that the instruments of federal power are stepping into corporations and "fixing" things.

Is there a "forcible suppression of opposition"? Again, with the two party system conjoined I'm not sure I see any opposition (yet), although through denial of media coverage and congress entertaining further limitations on "free speech" I think this is more and more possible in the future.

Going mentally through Umberto Eco's 14 points I find;

1) cult of tradition (check)
2) rejection of modernism (check)
3) action for action's sake (super check)
4) disagreement is treason (check, "the argument is over")
5) fear of differences (not so much yet, except Muslims)
6) appeal to a frustrated middle class (Oh, yes! check)
7) obsession with overwhelming adversity (Yes, yes yes.)
8) humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies (Not so much)
9) life is permanent warfare (Yes. check)
10) elitism and contempt for the weak (minded) (Yes, check)
11) everybody is educated to become a hero (Not so much)
12) machismo of ego (emerging, but not yet)
13) selective populism (check)
14) Newspeak, and meaningless rhetoric (check)

So, 10 of 14 aspects are fully engaged to various levels with 4 of them (5, 8, 11, 12) not yet a factor in USA politics.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by kandrathe - 02-26-2009, 04:09 PM

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