Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently
AFter thinking about it, while I'm still not happy that Gold is my preferred method of achieving dual spec, It's not as terrible as I thought. (it feels like: "Hey Paladin, I can teach you to be an even better champion of the light!. What? no, I don't need you to prove anything, I just need some gold."

I will probably going back to full clearing Stratholme. I can do the baron mount run in 15 minutes and make good money, but I can use the cloth to get my rep with horde towns, and Full Clears (and I mean leave nothing alive) can net me 22-25 stacks of runecloth, gold, 2-6 BoE Blues, Tons of greens, and every 3rd run or so a a BoE Epic.

ANother nice instance for this is reg. Ramps. I can probably full clear that place in half an hour and make 60-90g a run in cash + vendor trash.
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Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently - by shoju - 02-25-2009, 04:22 PM

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