Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Quote:I am somewhat confused by your logic here. A Republican (note: from the party opposite the president) is offered a key administration position by Obama. (He does not have to give the Republicans any key posts at all. Certainly Bush never gave any to the Dems.) That Republican, after mulling it over, feels he cannot work with Obama, and claims that there are things he cannot compromise about.

The conclusion is that this is a failure of Obama to be bipartisan, and he is maliciously (With malice? Really?) pursuing his own agenda? That he can't compromise? That bipartisanship is out the window *because of Obama*?

I don't get it.


Why is it Obama's fault? Easy, when first offering the position to Gregg, Obama led the man to believe he would have far greater control over things (like helping rebuild the private economy) than in actuality. Gregg wasn't worried about losing his seat to a democratic appointee because NH governor Lynch promised the seat would go to a Republican (said republican was preparing to go to DC when Gregg out of nowhere declined). American politics is a GAME, we have two seemingly polar opposite powers always vying for power in an almost "high-tide, low-tide" type of manner. So yes, any failure of bipartsianship will lay at the feet of Democrats now, not the GOP-- as the party is very much still in pieces.

Quote:Oh. It's been awhile for you liberals... Get used to that... When in doubt blame the POTUS. I mean I'm already PO'd about the extremely cold winter he's given us.

He gave me one hell of a flu, too!

EDIT: I wrote a paper my junior year of high school (4+ years ago now) quoting George Washington who was warning the people about the dangers of a 2-party system and the destruction it would bring to our country. Nobody cared then and its too late to do anything about it now. Too many selfish ass holes still want to get paid (via our tax dollars).
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--Alfred North Whitehead

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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by NicksLP - 02-15-2009, 03:42 PM

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