Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Quote:If you look at the history of this bill, the only thing that's been cut back on are the tax cut proposals to make way for more spending ideas. Because, you know, if we waited a day or two to let people read the bill they might actually lose political support. Better to get it passed quickly before the people understand what is happening and call their representatives.

Or, maybe there is overwhelming public support for the new congress to urgently do something about the economic crisis, and, having haggled over the variations of this bill for nigh on two months now, the Dems had their filibuster-proof majority, and passed it. If you can show me what's so special about the bill they passed vs. the ones that were proposed, then I'll think twice, but I really don't think this is a case where people are going to change their minds. Indeed, I think most people are already wondering what's taking so bloody long; the banks already got their cut.

Quote:I believe Mr. Obama wants to sell his ideas to Republicans, but I haven't seen anywhere that he is willing to listen seriously to their ideas. For now, compromise is on the back burner, and the only time "bipartisan" would be possible is if the R's at this point just rolled over on their principles and rubber stamped the D's agenda.

The minority does not get to set the agenda for the majority. That much is clear; the people have voted, and what comes out of the congress, by popular will, is going to look more Democratic than Republican. However, Obama has been laughably eager to get a bipartisan bill, but the Republicans have been clear: What we want is a tax cut, and government spending is waste. If that was what the American public was looking for, they should have voted for McCain.

Now, probably, this is all probably for the best. Bipartisanship is overrated: The Dems have their plan, and if it works, it'll be obvious who gets credit, and if it flops, we'll know what the alternative plan was, and judge accordingly. But the Republicans, save for a woeful few, have been throwing an anti-tax tantrum, rather than building consensus on a stimulus bill.


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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by Jester - 02-14-2009, 10:40 PM

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