Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Quote:$20K times 200 million jobs would cost 4 billion dollars. Instead, what they have passed is a potpourri of liberal spending which is funding the agenda of the democrats without regard to what effect it will have on the economy.

Uh, no, that would be 4 *trillion* dollars. Besides, it would include dramatic amounts of disinvestment: people would be hired en masse, since the marginal cost of labour would go way down, and then they'd be fired as soon as the tax credit ran out, because it would no longer be profitable to hire them. Essentially, it would be a 20k hit per employee for employers, and temporary way to add jobs to the economy.

As per funding the "agenda of the democrats," I don't know if you noticed, but they just won an election, and you live in a democracy. They get to enact their policies. That's the whole idea.

They clearly believe this will have a positive effect on the economy. This is obviously not "without regard" to the economic effects, although you clearly disagree with them on the issue. In the short run, it almost certainly will be a boost. How could it not? In the long run, the increased debt will come back to haunt you, but I suspect that will only be a fraction as painful as letting this recession run on longer by not having spent.


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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by Jester - 02-14-2009, 12:04 AM

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