Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Quote:Most of his speeches and written works are published as "Collected Works".

Yes, and if I had four months to spare, I might read through it. Sadly, no.

Just wondering if you knew where it was from. Wikiquote, which requires sources, does not have it, and everyone who quotes it online seems to just attribute it to "Vladimir Lenin" or some such, with no source.


Afterthought: the closest information I can find is here, which details a number of Lenin misquotes (including many that come packaged with that one on teh intarwebz). This one appears to be a corruption of something Keynes once wrote that Lenin supposedly said about inflation.

Afterafterthought: If the origin is the quote mentioned above, someone wrote a scholarly article about it. It's in Economica, from Feb. 1977, entitled "Lenin, Keynes and Inflation". Apparently what Lenin believed about inflation was exactly the *opposite* of what that quote gives. Here's a quote:

Quote:"The unlimited issue of paper money encourages speculation, allows the capitalists to make millions, and places tremendous obstacles in the path of the much-needed expansion of production... How can matters be improved when the riches acquired by the rich are being concealed?"
-Lenin, Collected Works, p.207 (International Publishers, vol. 21, book 1)

So, there you go. Worry not about imminent Leninism. Indeed, if one were to take the argument preposterously seriously, the most anti-Leninist thing you could do would be to fire up the printing press and hyperinflate prices.

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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by Jester - 02-11-2009, 11:46 PM

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