11-07-2008, 08:48 PM
Quote:Italy is for wussies (no offence:P)!I've heard that some places like Bangkok, Mumbai, Beijing, and Addis Ababa are even worse due to the press of pedestrians, livestock, motorbikes, automobiles, trucks, and other miscellaneous vehicles all on the same narrow pot hole filled roads.
Further south is where it's at. Drive a motorhome through Cairo rush hour and live to tell the tale, THEN you have truly "driven". Tripolis was also interesting, mostly because of unpaved roads with 30cm holes in them.
And the buses on the "motorways", twisted chassis (=frame, I guess, way too tired to check), tires where you can almost see the wires and 150 km/h. Onehundredandfiftykilometersperhour! That's 93 mph:o.
The memories still send a chill down my spine.
take care