10-25-2008, 06:50 PM
Quote:I wasn't that down on it but I'm more with you on the review. There was a lot of predictability to it that made some of it feel forced. There were some chilling parts and there was some psychological horror (which is way way way more effective on me that gore and startle tactics). So I'm with you on the surprise of so many folks rating it so high here. I liked it but it's down on my list and I'm a Sci-Fi fan and a horror fan, but it just seemed to fail to deliver.
I'm easy to please. I like Sam Neil, and I like Lawrence Fishbourn, and space, and ships. Also, I don't really like horror, so even if that part wasn't all that convincing, I'm still good. But then again, I also like stuff like the original "Black Hole" mwhahahaha
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee