The "recommend a scary movie" for Halloween thread
Quote:If you want scary, time to pull out the japanese movies. The are some truly incredible horror directors producing films in Japan, here are some I've personally seen:
I'm with you on that, and I actually enjoyed The Grudge, which was the Americanized version of Ju-on by Takashi Shimizu. I have not seen Ju-on yet, but I've talked to other folks who say that it is better and worse than the American version. Less in your face but much worse with the time clues. Better story telling in the Japenesse version but better atmosphere in the American. It makes me think I'll enjoy it but that I'll enjoy it differently.

I liked Rinne as well. Translates to Reincarnation. It's another Takashi Shimizu film and it delves into his life after death haunting thoughts in a different way from The Grudge. I've seen a few other Japanesse films and shows that deal with photography, death, the soul and haunting and it's a subjet that intrigues me about their culture so any film that works on those angles like Rinne does is going to have another hook for me.

Quote:It's funny that so many people here have named Event Horizon. I thought it was terrible enough to be funny, except for the gore factor, when I first watched it. This spaceship's going to hell? Please. Mind you, that means that it's been 10 years since I watched it, but it made enough of an impression that I remember how awful it was.
I wasn't that down on it but I'm more with you on the review. There was a lot of predictability to it that made some of it feel forced. There were some chilling parts and there was some psychological horror (which is way way way more effective on me that gore and startle tactics). So I'm with you on the surprise of so many folks rating it so high here. I liked it but it's down on my list and I'm a Sci-Fi fan and a horror fan, but it just seemed to fail to deliver.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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The "recommend a scary movie" for Halloween thread - by Kevin - 10-25-2008, 06:25 PM

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