10-09-2008, 09:18 AM
It is this type of thing (ACORN and the like, on both sides) that makes politics compare poorly to an outhouse in August.
Ok, sorry for being slow. But voting is in November. So how can we talk about fraud at this moment?
And what I meant with the social security number is not the use of it as identifiction but to use it in the voters registry. Any single legal american person has a social security number (to make it easier than having to compare 50.000 John Smiths). So if the administration is correct everybody can only vote once (you go to whereever it is that you vote, you so a valid ID and you vote, the person manning the voting station crosses out your social security number and that is it.....if later somebody arrives with the same social security number, you know that one of the two is lying/frauding and you can undertake action).
All this requires in my opinion is a big database with all legal american citizens that can be accessed by the people working in the vting stations.
So what am I missing here?