Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one
Hi Lurkers

I am a guild mate of Chesspiece_face and he has mentioned the possibility of joining your crew. I understand that you are not a hardcore raiding guild, and that is fine by me. I left "hardcore" a while back. We are a small group of players on a rather crappy server. Most of us in the guild (actually all other than Chesspiece_face) are on the West Coast, and Bronzebeard is a West Coast server, but most players are on the server are East Coast, which means most guilds raid far too early for us to join in. And pugging is ridiculous now...for heroics if you are not t5 you are gonna get ignored because all groups want to speed run for badges.

I have a Prot Warrior that I am considering for transfer. Rather new at 70, so my gear needs help, but I think I am pretty good at tanking, and really enjoy it.

We have a sweet little group that can do all the 5mans (warrior/priest/ret paladin/shaman/rogue) but getting everyone in at that same time can be difficult.

I also have a 70 Hunter (4/5 T4, might be wearing random purples in armory) and a 70 Priest (usually Holy, but spec'd Shadow atm so I can get some dailies done quicker). I am not planning on transferring them, but if they would be helpful/welcome in your raid groups, I would certainly consider moving them.

What we are really looking for is a group that we can run instances with. Sure, getting some KZ or ZA (or even beyond) would be super, but few of us are geared for that.

Thanks for reading.
Ziig (Warrior) - Ako (Hunter) - Amo (Paladin) - Ziade (Monk) - Ziag (DK)

Messages In This Thread
Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - by Ziig - 09-16-2008, 12:40 AM

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