Michael Phelps.... Deserving of the hype?
Quote:I don't get it. A game is different from a sport how? And because Mark Phelps races in the water and Usain Bolt races above the water, that makes the one a "real hero" and the other a "nice guy"? And Tiger Woods is just playing a "game", whereas putting on tight trunks and running for 100 meters is a "sport"? What kind of distinction are you making here? You've completely lost me.


We have strange notions of the concept "real sport". It combines some very masculine athletic abilities and preferably some chance of people killing each other. It is interesting because the nature of the word itself seems to lend to such athletic contests as hunting, fishing, and riding around on your horse. We drive sports cars and sports utility vehicles and get Sterno from the sporting goods store, but try telling someone that ping-pong or trampoline is a sport and prepare to get laughed at.

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Michael Phelps.... Deserving of the hype? - by Nystul - 08-20-2008, 12:59 AM

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