So, how old *are* the Chinese gymnasts?`
Concentrate on the events and the athletes. Ignore the remaining bull#$%&. That is, if you can given the media crap that passes for coverage.

[added in edit] I watched some of the men's gymnastics competition last night and remembered what this is all supposedly about. It's about people who devote years to becoming something just a little bit better than human. That the media retards and the political scum can't understand that and try to bring it down to their levels is a reflection on them, not on the games.


And how many were aided by "the cream" and "the clear" or EPO, or any host of other fun things? How many medals this year will get stripped later once people's consiences finallys tart working on them, and they finally admit that they've been taking various and assorted performance enhancers?

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So, how old *are* the Chinese gymnasts?` - by Tris - 08-14-2008, 05:33 PM

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