Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop?
Quote:If you paint with a broad enough brush, you can assert pretty much anything, all while saying nothing.

Which you've just done. See the italics I added to your last sentence.
What flavor is it?

Okay, I'll bite; from the very website I linked:
Quote:81% of American adults identify themselves with a specific religion:
76.5% (159 million) of Americans identify themselves as Christian. This is a major slide from 86.2% in 1990. Identification with Christianity has suffered a loss of 9.7 percentage points in 11 years -- about 0.9 percentage points per year. This decline is identical to that observed in Canada between 1981 and 2001. If this trend has continued, then:
at the present time (2007-MAY), only 71% of American adults consider themselves Christians

It would seem I was talking about Christianity, however, and I'll quote myself here:

Quote:Now I don't know about you, but I have gone to enough Sunday School to know that 'drugs are bad,' or at least thought of as criminal and immoral after they were made illegal. There are many places in the modern Jewish bible and all it's offshoots, including Christianity, Islam, etc. where it says you must respect the common-law.

Check it out. Modern-day Christianity (which is nothing more than the Gnosticism Jesus taught, combined with the concept of a Monotheistic god derived from Egyptian concepts, and throw in some written history) and all of its offshoots, Islam, the Koran, . . . all the bibles off shooting from the Jews, have something to say about obeying established law when in foreign countries unless that law contradicts your current religion. If you want quotes from these bibles, I can use my google-fu, but I really don't feel like it; the last time I did some religious research to make a point, it took over a week.

But kandrathe does bring up an interesting point about morality and I think it could be said that for the most part, religion and morality go hand-in-hand. That being said, since our politicians are so concerned about morality, it can only be surmised that one lifts up the other. When the issue of abortion came up, Mr. Bush brought up religion. When gay marriage was brought up, Bush brought up religion; bush/faith. When the issue came up in China, Bush shoved in China's face. Religion plays a major role in politics rather you choose to believe it or not. Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Something else? Does it matter, because if religion and morality go hand-in-hand, your walking a fine line when preaching to the mass when 75-85% of your audience is religious. You need to make these people happy by telling them what they want to hear. Drugs is a topic of much debate, to be sure. Do you honestly believe if they started becoming legal, first the legalization of marijuana, then other drugs, that religion would not come into the conversation at some point in time? I'm sure you'd have some politicians chanting, "and god will condemn us for this action in the future, mark my words..." I can already see it.

I think kandrathe's idea about buying the crop for legal use in the states with higher paying incentives for other "legal" crops is the best solution, but that just won't happen because the politicians don't want to be viewed as "soft" on the drug issue, and IMO this all goes back to religion and the mass. It all ties in together. If logic ran the roost instead of reactions based on votes, do you think the drug issue would be as big as it is today in America? I honestly don't know, but somehow, I doubt it.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

Messages In This Thread
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Taem - 08-11-2008, 04:35 AM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Taem - 08-11-2008, 06:37 PM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Zenda - 08-11-2008, 07:52 PM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by --Pete - 08-11-2008, 09:04 PM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Taem - 08-11-2008, 11:21 PM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Taem - 08-12-2008, 08:14 AM
Cheaper to buy the Afghan Opium Crop? - by Taem - 08-13-2008, 05:38 PM

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